Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Appointment log for April 16, 2011. **rescheduling from last Saturday**

11:00 Patton Girls
11:30 Cayla West boys
12:00 Knix
12:30 H. Weaver kids
1:00 H. Goss
1:30 Dotson

Thanks so much to all of you who were understanding about the rescheduling of our photo day!  We really wished we could've photographed you all & completed the day, but wanted what was best for your images & the lighting was not happening for us :)   The list above is the schedule as of now.. if you can not make the time above please let me know & I will remove you from the list & refund your payment.  **please note, if appointment is cancelled the times may be bumped up to fill the gaps :) Please let me know if you have any questions ~ we can't wait to work with you all :) 

You've been counted