Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fall Photo Day update

You may notice the "Pay Now" button to the right.....  Please wait to pay until the details are posted. I am in the works of everything, but am still gathering a few little details.  I will open the day up for public to book, within one week from today.  The space will be limited, so please check back often!  The day is first come, first serve...and once it is sold out...that's it ;)  I will book only 11 sessions per day (so a total of 22 sessions) I have a request list of at least 40 wanting in on this day~ so move quick!  Best of luck to you all & I'm super excited about the Fall Fun we will have!

Remember~ I am posting a little game on the blog that could get you half off your session fee ;)  I will not announce details now, but will give you a includes my hubby!  Check back often.

Later, N.
Oh, and for those of you who don't know him...this is Rob (my better half)

You've been counted