First off, the day was super fun....thanks to all of my wonderful clients! I want to say a HUGE thank you to Darren Howington & his family for the use of his property, (Darren, if you read this I ran out of cord so I took the shop vac to 95% off the feathers...I worked till 10:30 by the light of my car, I know I told you every last feather would be gone~ I tried my best ;) Thanks so much, again!)
Did you know that April 4th is National Pillow Fight Day?!?!? I didn't until my super sweet Hubby texted me around 11pm telling me that it was on the news check out the link to see more. Can you believe what a crazy day this is....simply amazing! It has rained for the last week, and may snow next week...but it was gorgeous today & was also National Pillow Fight Day~ couldn't have been better!