Several weeks ago, I photographed the ever so sweet Lowery Family. Blakely is soooo excited about having a little sister & knew from day one that it was a girl....well he may be meeting her earlier than normal. Julie came in for her maternity shoot due to preterm labor setting in. The Doc was able to keep lil Madeline in a bit longer, but I do believe she'll be alittle early (I think Madeline is excited to come into this world, just so she can meet me & my camera...which I don't half blame her lol). So here are a few pics of the beautiful Julie. I am still in the process of editing her pics, but these are some of the ones finished so far. I do still have a favorite I have yet to edit~ hope to post soon :) If you wanna view a few more pics from her session go to www.lnephotography.photoreflect.com ENJOY!

Can't wait to meet this little one, she will have the middle name of my dear friend Kerri, who passed Jan. 08. Kerri & Julie were cousins, we both miss her so.